ZERO TO KNIT KITS :: Why so special?

So you think you want to learn to knit? Most beginners need a bit of hand holding and guidance down the path of knitty knowlege. Which needles, pattern, how to...what??
Or perhaps you know how to knit a wee bit, feeling rusty and looking for guidance on how to get going again. There is a wealth of information out there, but how do you find exactly what you need?
If either of these scenarios sounds like you, we would normally hold workshops in the shop for beginners and refreshers. But because of the pandemic and safety issues we are not currently able to offer this service. Never fear...
This is where the Zero to Knit Kits come in. First of all the kits have all the supplies you need to take you through the amazing course designed and led by the wonderfully clear & patient Carol Feller. The course itself is fully downloadable in bite-sized bits that you can absorb in your own time. It takes you from the very beginning on how to unwind and prepare your skein of wool, right through completing a baby cardigan. This will then give you all the skills and knowledge to then create an adult sized garment for yourself!
I'm personally casting on the baby cardigan for this course in my 'Sweeties' colurway. Normally I would be knitting this as a gift for a special pal or family member...but now it is for my own baby! I don't know yet if I'm having a wee boy or gal (not that it really matters), but the 'Sweeties' colourway will certainly be suitable for whatever pops out! Haha.
All you have to do to join in is pick your colour and we will take care of the rest! Click HERE to shop.